Since The Falcon And The Winter soldier aired, one term has been really popular. “Super-soldiers”. They have special abilities when compared to normal humans. They acquire powers by infusing a super-soldier serum into their body. They are stronger, faster, and more durable than normal humans. It also increases metabolism which aids the person in healing faster. The Super-Soldier Serum can also affect the brain, allowing individuals to retain and recall any information they take in
Although throughout the Marvel comics there have been many attempts to create or recreate the serum, there was only one successful outcome: Steve Rogers. He was the result of Dr. Abraham Erskine’s experiments under Operation: Rebirth.

Here are some notable characters that are a result of other experiments and programs to recreate the super-soldier serum in the comics.

Steve Rogers a Boy who had many diseases in his body but wanted to serve his country During World War II. Initially Rejected by the U.S Army and Later Chosen For Project Rebirth By Dr.Abraham Erskien. In this Program, Steve Was Injected with the First Complete Version Of Super Soldier Serum with Vita Rays. After This Experiment, Steve Emerged as A Tall Buff Man With Extraordinary Powers.
But Unknown of his Powers The U.S Army Used him as a Gimmick to Encourage more People to Serve their Country. But Steve wanted to Serve in Battleground So After his Allies were Captured by Hydra, he decided to Rescue them with the Help of Peggy Carter and Haward Stark. There He Single-Handedly defeated Many of Hydra Soldiers And Rescued Bucky and his Battalion. While Escaping the Destroyed Hydra Facility he Encountered With Johann Schmidt aka The Red Skull.
After Rescuing All of the Soldiers There, he Made his own Battalion of Soldiers Named “ The Howling Commandos” He And His Commandos Destroyed Many Hydra Facilities, During One of his Mission He Lost His Best Friend Bucky Barns ( Who later Appears as The Winter Soldier)
.After Figuring Out Plans Of Red Skull and Hydra, in an attempt to stop a Plane Who was going to destroy Main Land, He Diverted its route And Crashed It into the Atlantic Ocean. Where He Got Frozen For Over 70 years. And Later was Found Frozen in an IceBerg And He Became Conscious Again in the Modern World, Where he was recruited by Nick Fury and Lead the Avengers against Earth Destroying Threats.

Bucky Barnes was a childhood friend of steve rogers aka Captain America. He was by his side throughout their childhood and during the war. He is a world war 2 veteran and a former officer of the 107th infantry regiment. His regiment was captured by hydra and he was given super-soldier serum by Arnim Zola. Steve rescued him and they fought together against the red skull’s troops. In such a fight bucky fell off a train and lost his arm.
Since he had powers from super-soldier serum he survived the fall and was captured by hydra. They converted him into a winter soldier by wiping the mind of his past life memories and giving him a metal arm.
Later on, he helped steve rogers to find the hydra base camp and other winter soldiers. He was sent to Wakanda where he was converted to the white wolf.

Clinton McIntyre aka Protocide was enhanced via a prototype version of Super-soldier Serum. Although he is not as perfect as Steve Rogers, he has superhuman strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, reflexes, and healing factor.
Initially, when he was given the super-soldier serum, he went into a coma-like state. Later on, when AIM found his body, they brought him back to life and used him for their missions. Which mostly included destroying Hydra bases around the world.

As you all can remember Isaiah Bradley was briefly shown in The Falcon And The Winter Soldier Episode 2. Even though the show didn’t explain much about his character, he had a greater significance in the comics.
After receiving the experimental recreation of the Super Soldier Serum, Isaiah gained peak human abilities, including strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, reflexes, healing, superhuman senses, and longevity.
When the United States government wanted to recreate more soldiers like Steve Rogers, they forcibly recruited 300 African-American soldiers which included Isaiah Bradley. To keep the operation secret, families were sent letters informing them of the soldiers' deaths. Of the 300 African-American soldiers, only a handful of men survived the gruesome process. These survivors became covert black-ops teams.

Her early life and her origin are unclear in the comics. Her real name is Julia Frieda Koenig Lohmer. Her powers include peak human strength, speed, durability, agility, reflexes, stamina, healing, mental process, senses, and longevity. She was a spy during the Nazi regime in World War II. On one of her first missions, Warrior Woman accompanied the Red Skull and a team of superhuman Nazi operatives to Wakanda to recover a supply of vibration for the Nazi war effort.
Julia was put into a form of cryonic suspension after the war, not being recovered until after the German reunification.

His real name is Josiah al hajj saddiq. His powers include peak human strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility, reflexes, healing, and intelligence.
During Bradley's imprisonment, the U.S. military began experiments to duplicate his powers and create more Super Soldiers. To this end, they harvested blood from Isaiah Bradley (before the Super Soldier Serum made him super durable) to create a child who would be as receptive to the Super Soldier process as Isaiah Bradley was. Thirty-eight failed attempts occurred before the child named Josiah was finally carried to term. Josiah grew up in a Catholic orphanage outside of Boston during the early years of his life.

His real name was Wilhelm Lohmer. His powers included superhuman strength, stamina, durability, and levitation. Just like Steve Rogers, he was also weaker than his subordinates. This is precisely the reason that he was chosen to receive the nazi version of the super-soldier serum. Although the serum was derived from the original serum, it gave him additional powers that exceeded those of steve rogers’

Nomad is the alternate identity of Steve Rogers Aka Captain America After the Events Of the Civil War he abandons the mantle of Captain America.
He Got his Powers During World War II With the help of Program Rebirth led by Dr. Abraham Eriskin. He was Injected with the Complete version of Super Soldier Serum and was the first Super Soldier. His Powers Include Enhanced Reflexes, SuperHuman Strength, SuperHuman Stamina, and Endurance, Accelerated healing, and Enhanced Durability.

Born as Carl Lucas, Luke Cage aka The Power Man. He gained his Power Through an Experiment For Which he Volunteered following some Tragic Event With his Family. He Volunteered For cellular regeneration experiment which was an effort to make a Super-Soldier.
After Taking that Serum Luke Cage Got A Nearly Impenetrable Skin. Superhuman Strength
Durability some sort of Healing Ability Due to Cellular Regeneration Properties Of the Serum.

His personal information is unclear, including his real name. All that is known about him is that he was raised in Oklahoma and due to his girlfriend’s death he enlisted in the US Army. However, he was also rejected, just like Steve Rogers for being physically unfit. He volunteered for an experimental procedure.
His powers included superhuman strength, stamina, durability, and accelerated healing factor.

Elijah ‘Eli’ Bradley aka Patriot is the Grandson of ‘Isaiah Bradley' Who was the Captain America After Steve Rogers Went Missing (as he was frozen at that time). Eli Had some serious Health
Complication, And to save him His Grandfather gave his Blood To Eli, As A Result, Due to Blood Transfusion, Eli Got Powers of A Super Soldier.
His Reflexes and Strength Got increased and Also he became more agile and Got Super Human Strength, Stamina, and Endurance. He also has the Iconic Captain America Shield as his Defence as Offence. He, Later on, Became a Part of ‘Young Avengers’.

Anthony ‘Tony’ Masters aka Taskmaster. He was a Capable S.H.I.E.L.D Agent With InBorn Photographic memory. During A S.H.I.E.L.D Where he was assigned to Destroy the Nazi
Lab And to Destroy The Nazi Version of ‘Super Soldier Serum’but Instead Of Destroying
The serum he Injected himself with That serum with a thought to become the Best S.H.I.E.L.D
Agent by Enhancing his Powers.
The Serum Worked He Got Powers His Skills And Reflexes Became More enhanced and Was a
Super Soldier now with Enhanced Superhuman Strength, Stamina, and Durability. But It had a cost. He suffered From Short Term Memory Loss. That means the More he Copies the Fighting techniques of his foes the more He Forget about his past.
Taskmaster Is going to be introduced in Marvel Cinematic Universe With The Movie: Black Widow In the year 2021.

His real name was Mitchell tanner. When he was severely injured in the Vietnam war, he was given a variation of the super-soldier serum. Which resulted in him having hard granite-like skin. In a way, his powers were like luke cage’s powers.
Throughout his career, he has done many missions. He used to be a spy for the CIA in Vietnam. He was later hired by the hellfire club. He agreed to work with the S.H.I.E.L.D in exchange for a reduced sentence.

Natalia Alianovna “Natasha” Romanoff aka Black Widow is One the most talented spies of S.H.I.E.L.D. She was Trained to Be an Assassin In Russia. She Trained Under the Red Room Program From where she got her skills and Abilities. She is a Super Spy.
After the Red Room Program She got her Peak Human Strength, Enhanced Durability, Athletic Reflexes, and Athletic Stamina, she also has an Enhanced Immune System. She also has Mastery in Martial Arts, She’s a Master Assassin, an Expert in Handling multiple weapons, she is also multilingual.

When Brian Falsworth was imprisoned in Hamburg in the same cell as Eric Schmitt, he received a variant of super-soldier serum from his. After that Eric Schmitt died. When brian took the serum he got super-soldier powers making him the union jack.
His powers included artificially enhanced physiology, peak human strength, stamina, durability, agility, and reflexes.
Later on, he was a part of a superhero team known as invaders.

Richard Aka Bravo Was A Super Soldier and was Recruited along with Captain America and Peggy Carter. But He hated Steve as Peggy Chose Steve Over him. He then joined Zemo In Order to Destroy Captain America.
He Too Got his Superpowers Due to A Variant of Super Soldier Serum. His set of Powers Includes Peak Human Strength, Peak Human Speed, Peak Human Stamina, and Durability, and SuperHuman Reflexes. He is also Skilled in Hand To Hand Combat.

Sid Ridley aka Captain Midlands is also considered as a British Counterpart of Captain America.
He got his Powers during the 1940S in a British Super Soldier Program. He also got Powers that include Peak Human Strength, Expertise in Hand To Hand Combat, Enhanced Speed, agility, and Reflexes.

Vitor Conrad aka Victorius was a Scientist at A.I.M Who Recreated the Super Soldier Serum and Took The dose of that serum when S.H.I.E.L.D Agents Infiltrated his Lab.
The Dose of Serum gave him powers that include Peak Human Strength, Stamina, and Endurance, He's a Very Intelligent scientist, He is Skilled in Hand-to-Hand Combat.

Willie Dance aka X The Marvel was a Champion Wrestler. But Soon after He Developed a Blood Clot In his brain made him Retire from his Professional Wrestling Career.
One Day he found a Cylinder Which has Super Soldier Serum made by Dr.Klemph in it But Willie Thought it was an energy drink and consumed it. As Soon As He consumed that serum his Body Fat Vanished and His Muscle mass Increased but he gained no Powers and his inactivity due to his blood clot remained as it is.
Also, you can listen to the podcast we did on super-soldiers here :

we discussed the origins, powers, and timeline of the supersoldier serum