Vampires and Marvel, my two most favorite things in this entire universe. So, I thought why not learn more about Vampires in Marvel, and here we are.

Vampires (Homines nocturnae) are magically reanimated human corpses which are inhabited by the spirits of the deceased person and who closely resemble the living human they were before their transformation. Vampires feed and survive on the blood of the living, typically on that of humans, and they can also transform other humans into more of their kind by sharing their own blood with them.
The race of vampires first appeared in the pre-cataclysmic era, circa 18,500 B.C.These Bloodsucking creatures are so interesting and there are so many Vampires in Marvel. Here are some of them.

Varnae was a Human, he was a sorcerer. Varnae served in the cult of the Dark holders under Thulsa doom. Injured due to the actions of King Kull of Valusia, a dying Varnae was transformed into a Vampire by sorcerers of pre-Cataclysmic Atlantis. He allegedly was the last survivor among the vampires created in Atlantis before the Great Cataclysm and ruled over Earth's vampires.
In 1459, tired of his ages-long existence, Varnae chose Dracula as his successor as lord of Earth's vampires and imparted much of his supernatural power to him by forcing Dracula to drink his blood. Varnae then committed suicide by exposing himself to direct sunlight. Later Varnae was Resurrected whilst the battle between Dr. Strange and Marie LaVeau. Varnae fled, claiming with Strange he finally had a reason to live: A worthy foe.
Varnae has the ability to transform others into vampires by draining them of enough of their blood to cause their physical death. During the process, an unknown enzyme in Varnae's saliva would enter the body and transform the remaining blood into a liquid called Ichor. As a result, an individual would rise from this death-like state after a period of 3 days.
The powers of Varnae are Super Speed, Super Strength, Super Stamina, Super Agility, Super Reflexes, Immortality, Regenerative Healing Factor, Hypnotism, Telepathy, Shape-Shifting, and his Weaknesses are Sunlight, Silver, Religious Icons, Impalement, Beheading, Homeland Soil.
“Blustering worm. I am Varnae! I watched and snickered as your savage ancestors gnawed their civilization from the bones of the old gods. To one who has survived the death of continents, you are less than an amusement. And perhaps a snack. Is your blood as sweet as that of your sheep, thunder god? Can you not afford me a taste?”

Svetlana Krol is a member of the Vampire Mystikos Sect, and right-hand woman to Director Everett Colvin. She along with the other members of the Mystikos Sect hired Deadpool to protect them during the day, from more violent vampire groups.
Svetlana is one of the American Vampires who embraced the modern world. They are Businessmen, with skill at technology. She along with the Mystikos sect has infiltrated human society and works in business and has vast wealth and power compared to the others. They wear suits and have access to advanced technology, which they use to their advantage. The Mystikos Sect is among the sects attending the century gathering with the other Vampires.
The Mystikos Sect allied themselves with Xarus and through their research they managed to invent a special device that can block the ultraviolet frequencies of light that are harmful to Vampires. Xarus decided to use the device to create a new, vampire-dominated world, as he has each device handed out to his vampire allies.
The powers of Svetlana are Super Speed, Super Strength, Super Stamina, Super Agility, Super Reflexes, Immortality, and she has advanced weapons and travel using private jets.

Vlad Tepes Dracula is the world’s most powerful Vampire. He is driven by the lust for Power, Companionships, and Blood. He was born in Schassberg, Transylvania in 1430 AD. At seven years old, he allegedly ousted his half-brother Alexandru Aldea from the throne of Wallachia. At some point, appointed Dracula as prince of Wallachia by King Sigismund of Hungary. Dracula also joined the Order of the Dragon.
Dracula was turned into a Vampire by Varnae and was appointed as the vampire’s head. When Dracula tracked down and vampirized his old enemy Jamal Afari, his disciple vampire-hunter, Blade, swore vengeance against him. Blade joined a group of vampire hunters who managed to stake him in China, but he was revived by Dracula's servant Kuai Hua, and her handmaidens. As revenge, Dracula killed most of the group, leaving only Musenda and Blade alive.
Dracula returned once more, however, as Blade traced Spider-Man's recent partial vampirization to Dracula. Blade staked Dracula, noting that Spider-Man's radioactive blood would keep him safe from full, permanent vampirization. A corrupt division of S.H.I.E.L.D., heavily infested by vampires loyal to Lucas Cross, stole the body, and Blade destroyed an entire S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier in an effort to destroy the infestation.
Sometime later, Dracula attended the gathering of all the vampire sects that happens every century. At the beginning of the meeting, both the leaders of the Anchorite and Atlantis sects expressed their concern about the expansion of humankind on their territory. The Atlantis sect leader blamed the lack of leadership on Dracula. Dracula's son Xarus said the Atlantean meant no offense but raised a good point, all while approaching his father's throne.
He said the expansion of humanity was a problem, and vampire kind shouldn't run away from its territory. Dracula responded that humanity had their world and that they had their own, and that it should stay like that. Xarus said one day, things would change, then staked his father through the heart. Dracula pushed away his traitorous son but was attacked by the leaders of the Nosferatu, Atlantis, and Charniputra sects, who staked him several more times. Dracula finally fell and was decapitated with a sword by Xarus.
Dracula, like all other vampires, is capable of transforming an individual into a vampire by biting them. A special enzyme found only within vampire saliva is responsible for this transformation. After draining all of the blood from a victim, the victim enters a death-like state and returns to life three days later.
“You will obey me in all things. You have no choice -- For I am the lord of vampires. Forget your former life. You belong to my nation now.”

Alyssa was the leader of the Siren sect vampire clan, the all-female vampire group who are best known as seductress vampires, oh la la. The Siren sect was one of the clans representing the race in Vlad’s inner circle. This blonde beauty is really powerful amongst the Siren sect. And was one of Vlad’s favorites.
Dracula’s younger son, Xarius plotted his coup and declared himself the new Vampire Lord, Alyssa appeared to be one of his most public supporters- in secret, however, she was meeting with Janus Tepese to oppose Xarus' reign. While Janus sought out help from the sects not aligned with Xarus, Alyssa sent three of her Sirens to seduce and assassinate the new Vampire Lord. Her assassination foiled, Xarus forced Alyssa's loyalty under threat of violence against both herself and her clan in retribution.
When Janus' efforts to recruit the Claw Sect was revealed to be a trap, Alyssa was able to save him from execution by sunlight- offering Tepes a parting kiss to hide a Sunlight Pendant in his coat, allowing Janus to survive the new dawn and escape his younger brother and new disciples. With Xarus' death, Alyssa moved on to Brad, the leader of the Mystikos Sect and inventor of the Sunlight Pendant technology, as her primary target of manipulation. She masterminded a plot to assassinate Raizo Kodo, the leader of The Forgiven, and frame the Claw Sect for the attack. While the assassins failed to kill Kodo, the blame still fell on the Claw, damaging the reputation of both clans and creating a void in power and favor with Dracula that the Mystikos intended to fill.
The powers of Alyssa are Super Speed, Super Strength, Super Stamina, Super Agility, Super Reflexes, Immortality, Regenerative Healing Factor, Hypnotism, Telepathy, Shape-Shifting, and Clairvoyance.

Eric Brooks a.k.a Blade was born in Soho, London in 1922. His father, Lucas Cross, a member of the secret society the Order of Tyrana, sent his pregnant wife Tara to England before he was taken prisoner in Latveria. Experiencing labor complications, Tara was forced to seek a doctor's assistance. The doctor, Deacon Frost, was actually a ravenous vampire and feasted on the woman as she gave birth, passing on a series of enzymes that altered her baby.
The enzymes entered the infant's bloodstream, transforming him into a being tainted by a vampire's kiss, but not converted. In other words half-human, half-vampire also called a Dhampir. Determined to avenge his mother's death, Eric fashioned himself into a vampire hunter like Afari while still a teenager and started calling himself Blade, after the sharp weapons with which he used to kill vampires.
Blade secretly arrived at New York City in order to ask his associate Spectrum for help on a mission. However, they were interrupted by the invasion of Thanos' army on Earth. Monica convinced Blade to help, but since he wanted to stay under the radar, he wore a faux-Spider-Man suit from a superhero costume shop. As "Spider Hero," Blade became part of the team of heroes now named the Mighty Avengers, named after a Twitter hashtag used to describe them.
Following the victory of Earth's heroes over Thanos' army, Eric adopted Hawkeye's former identity of Ronin. As Ronin, Blade accompanied his teammates to Attilan. He recovered the Talisman of Kamar-Taj the Deathwalkers were looking for and temporarily left the team during their fight against Lichidus' Hellhound.
The powers of Blade are Dhampir physiology, Superhumanly Acute Senses, Superhuman Sense of Smell, Super Speed, Super Strength, Super Stamina, Super Agility, Super Reflexes, Regenerative Healing Factor, Contaminated Transferal, Prolonged Lifespan, Immune to Vampire Vulnerabilities. He has Mastered Martial Arts and he is an Expert Marksman, Expert Swordsman, Multilingual, Sorcery, Expert Vehicular Device, his only weakness is vulnerability to Red Sunlight.
Blade uses a small arsenal of weapons: teakwood daggers; Adamantium, acid-etched swords; Kevlar body armor; automatic and semi-automatic firearms converted for use with hollow-point, garlic-filled silver bullets; and a variety of portable, custom-designed weapons that employ silver, garlic, sunlight, ultraviolet rays, and anticoagulants.
“So, how many times do I have to put you in the ground?”

Lamia was a high priestess of Varnae, first Lord of the Vampires, and a vampire herself, in Pre-Cataclysm Atlantis. Allegedly, she slaughtered thousands of people in his name. After the Great Cataclysm, she kept the faith of Varnae, prophesying he would return and that she would be among the exalted.
Because Lamia was one of the first vampires on Earth and she had successfully survived to the modern era, she was considered a member of the group of extremely long-lived vampires known as the Ancient, along with Nosferatu, Verdelet, Saracen, Maracen, and Boy.
During the global Great Depression of the 1930s, Lamia was living in a house on Blaylock Street in London. When the Bloodshadows explored her lair, she killed all the members save for Blade whom she recognized as a dhampir and threw out a window, and Glory who she turned into a vampire. Blade later returned and slew Lamia.
She was later destroyed by the Montesi formula along with all other vampires as presumed by the Blade.